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Good job man, great game, although all the fish sometimes stop moving in sync so that was weird

(2 edits)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. That's not an issue I have noticed so I'll add it on to the list of things to look into so I can find out what's causing it and get it fixed.

I think this issue should be fixed now.

ou that was quick thanks!

Not 100% sure I got it, but it was the thing that stood out as the most likely cause. I never noticed it happening and didnt notice it after the change so cant say for sure I did get it. My thought was that it could be the collisions with the mines and chests that alter the velocity of the fish, so I think it should stay the same (again, kind of shooting blind, but based off what I can see if that was the issue I think it should be fixed or at least better)

pretty cool game homie  you definitely retained more info than I did lol I was struggling to put sprites on the sprite 2d XD

Thanks, there was defiantly a lot of referencing the docs going on, another 100 games and I might be able to do it without the reference lol 

Congratulations fellow Godot indiedev!

Thank you, Hope you enjoyed the game :)